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2021 Desktop Calendar

It’s finally here!

2020 has been a nightmare, to say the least, but I’ve tried to keep some things ticking along like normal. Since 2017 I’ve created and given away my Desktop Calendars to help brighten up those (sometimes) dull standard computer background wallpapers. A bit of a designer Christmas gift if you will.

I haven’t done much of a theme this year sadly- a lack of time stopped that idea dead in its tracks. But as usual, October will feature something Halloween πŸ’€ and February will feature something from California πŸ–€ (think of me on my birthday! πŸ™‹β€β™‚οΈ)

I hope you all enjoy and use them throughout the year- have a wonderful Christmas, Festive Season, and a safe New Years! 😷

Click here to download your desktop calendar πŸ–€

If you’d like to say “thank you”, I’d love to be able to add you to my mailing list. I’ve got some ideas for some useful giveaways next year, so sign up (see below) and I promise ‘no spam’, only good stuff!

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Manny Navarrete

An American currently residing in Australia with 10+ years of marketing and design experience specialising in digital platforms, social media, developing marketing and promotional plans, event planning and creative design work. I'm highly technical, creative and analytically driven to develop and execute marketing plans with creativity and fresh thinking.

This Post Has 4 Comments

  1. Alistair Towers

    Downloaded! Nice work Manny. Best wishes to you and your family for christmas.

    1. Manny N

      Thanks Alistair – I hope you and family have a great Christmas and HNY!

  2. Rachael

    Love this for me – thanks Manny!

    1. Manny Navarrete

      My pleasure Rach! Hope you had a lovely Christmas and New Years! ☺️

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